
Breakfast was 2 slices of homemade farmhouse seed bread with coconut spread. Tried to take a photo, but phone was acting up.

Spent the day out running errands. Came home to this quick lunch of grape leaves and kombucha.


Snacked on trail mix and diluted cherry juice throughout the day.

Dinner was a can of tuna (not Albacore- because that’s higher in mercury) mixed with raw sauerkraut. This was really good. I’ll be including fermented veggies in my tuna salad from now on. No need for mayo.

Since I haven’t been juicing, I drank a few shots of frozen wheatgrass and about 12 oz of green drink mix (lots of spiruluna, barley grass, mushrooms, probiotics, etc).

I’ve got to get to the store or farmer’s market soon for juicing produce. Maybe tomorrow…

I don’t want to jinx it, but I have been feeling really, really good the last couple of days. I still have a couple of healing lesions, but the thrush has receded, my energy levels are up, and I feel a deeper sense of wellness than I have in a long time. Hoping this is a response to the elimination diet and will continue.